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Wholehearted Faith

Twelve spies were sent to check out the Promised Land for Israel. Ten out of twelve spies gave a bad report.  They were telling the Israelites that they couldn't attack the people of Canaan.  God was giving the land to them.  He had prepared and organized the people to do battle and conquer the land.  But it only took ten men to turn the public opinion.  Caleb silenced the people and told them they could certainly go up and take the land.  However, the ten naysayers continued to talk negatively, even saying the land itself devours people.

It is never easy to go against the majority.  Speaking out in defense of God and His Word when others are against it is never easy. However, great is our reward in heaven when men speak against us because of our stand for righteousness. (Matthew 5:10) Many other places in the Bible God commends us for standing up for Him. In fact, He says if we are ashamed of Him, He will be ashamed of us. (Mark 8:38)

We can be people of great influence.  We have the potential to be a positive influence on our families, friends, co-workers, neighbors, church family and fellow members of any other group we are a part of.  With God’s help, we can be a positive influence wherever we go.  The ten spies who were rebelling and leading the people to disobey God met a quick end.  God is not pleased with this kind of person.  To live a life that pleases God, we need to teach others how to obey Him.  This is the Great Commission. 

In Matthew 28:18-20, where we find the Great Commission, we learn that all authority has been given to Jesus. He tells us this so we know that He has the power to confer the authority to us. There are actions we are to take as our response to the Great Commission. Jesus tells us to go, make disciples, baptize, and teach others how to follow Him. How will Jesus help us to fulfill this Great Commission? He is with us always. 

We are to GO; not stay at home. We are to make disciples; these are learners of Jesus.  Jesus’ followers are to be baptized into His family.  If you lead someone to Christ, encourage them to be baptized.  Finally, we are to teach new believers to obey everything Jesus commanded.  We can do this by setting an example with our lives, quoting the Word as opportunity arises, reading Scripture with others, and mentoring those God gives us opportunity to disciple.   

The ten spies who rebelled against God and led Israel to reject His provision and doubt His empowerment and protection were doing the opposite of what we are called to do.  If we do not purposefully fulfill the Great Commission, we can end up leading others to fall away from God. Make a commitment to the Great Commission and pray daily that God will help you to live it out. 

It may have looked to you like Caleb had no influence, but God honored Caleb for believing in His power and promises in the face of defiance.  We will see later in Numbers that Caleb is given the land the spies explored and he is as strong and vigorous as he is right now, 40 years earlier.  Caleb had a wholehearted devotion to the God of miracles, signs and wonders who had defeated all the gods of Egypt and brought His people out of slavery with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. 

We need to see God as He is; He is so much bigger than any enemy or obstacle we can face in life.  If we fear God with an awesome reverence and wonder, we will trust Him to be with us to conquer the enemy before us. What is the “enemy” before you right now?  Is anything hindering your relationship with God?  If you do not have peace in your heart, ask God what has come between you and Him.  Don’t give up striving to have a fulfilling relationship with the God of the Universe who loves you with an everlasting love. 

Let us be people of faith who are used by God to bring Him glory!  What an awesome opportunity.  I pray you let Him have His way in your life.  It is the best path.  May God bless you! 


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