I have friends who will say they are “keeping their fingers crossed” over a situation, but nothing is effective except prayer to a heavenly Father. ( James 5:16 ) Some will pray to saints, Mary, even the Devil, but our only intercessor is the Lord Jesus. ( Isaiah 53:12 ) There is no other way to knowledge, peace, faith, and comfort than the one True God. We will see today that Balaam the false prophet is hearing from the One True God but also dabbling in the occult, as if God needed help. Balaam’s third oracle begins in Numbers C hapter 24 . Balak , Moab’s king is not giving up on his quest for a means of victory over Israel. He is acting out of fear. The future of his country is depending on him. However, as in the first two messages, God continues to give Balaam a message of blessing. Before this third oracle, it says that Balaam did not resort to divination this time as he had in the...
Traveling in the desert with God’s people. A study in the Book of Numbers.