You know there is a lot of prejudice in this world and conflict between different people groups, but not everyone resists relationship with those who are of a different nationality. In fact, my family and many in my community regularly welcome international students into our homes; some for the year and some for a week. Either way, we get to appreciate each others' culture and learn new perspectives. As we continue in our lessons from Numbers Chapter 9, we come to the issue of foreigners living among the Israelites in the desert. These people fled Egypt with them because they saw the Lord was with them. The Lord continues in Numbers 9:14: “A foreigner residing among you is also to celebrate the Lord’s Passover in accordance with its rules and regulations. You must have the same regulations for both the foreigner and the native-born.” In Exodus, at the establishing of the Passover, God said no foreigner was to eat it. ( Exodus 12:43 ) God also goes on to say that a...
Traveling in the desert with God’s people. A study in the Book of Numbers.