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Showing posts from March, 2018

Bless our Pastors

As we move on to Numbers 3, we are focusing on the Levites who are dedicated to service in the tabernacle.  In the last chapter, we looked at the setup of the camp. In Exodus 33:7-11 , we see that the tent of meeting was outside the camp.  Moses would go outside the camp to meet with God.  Now the presence of God is central to the camp.  This reflects the progressive revelation of God among his people and the progressive preparation of a people to be fit to live in his presence.  God also gives us progressive revelation today.  As we grow closer to God, we see more of Him. “[O]n a day yet to come, there will be the full realization of the presence of the person of God dwelling in the midst of his people in the New Jerusalem ( Rev 21:1-4 ).”  (Expositor’s Commentary p. 716) Reflection: When have you seen this to be true in your life? When have you grown closer to God then seen more of Him? Balaam says in Num 24:5 , “How beautiful are your t...

God in the Center

God in the Center   Numbers Chapter 2 begins with God giving Moses directions on how the Israelites should camp.  The nation is living in tents in the desert, following God's direction as communicated verbally by Moses and symbolically by the cloud lifting.  To avoid chaos and confusion, quarreling and jockeying for position, God tells them how He wants them to arrange themselves around the Tabernacle in the center of their encampment.  Nobody will take the place of honor for themselves or push someone else out of place because God is giving the design to them.  Our God is a God of order. " For  God  is not a  God   of  disorder but  of  peace—as in all the congregations  of  the Lord’s people" ( 1 Corinthians 14:33 ).  When you see God's people behaving "out of order" they are also out of the will of God.  Nobody is perfect, but we need to be close to the Lord through His Word and prayer so we ca...

Numbers 1

Here we go! Have you ever been out walking on a hot day and you are just sooo hot you can hardly stand it?  Sometimes in the summer, even in the Northeast where I am, if I try to walk after 7:00 in the morning, it's already so hot I can hardly stand it.  But some days, as I am walking along, a cloud will come in front of the sun and I will thank the Lord for the wonderful reprieve.  It usually includes a breeze and the relief is absolutely lovely.  God's presence among His people after the Exodus from Egypt was in the form of a cloud.  The first mention is in Exodus 13:21: "By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night." Verse 22 says: "Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people." ...

Who are the Israelites?

  Who are the Israelites?   To really study the book of Numbers, we need to find out WHO is Under the Cloud.  The main characters in this historical narrative have just been delivered from slavery in Egypt and the majority of them are Israelites descended from Jacob also known as Israel. Who are the Israelites?  We have to go back to Genesis to find out.  In Genesis 1 , God created the first human, Adam and shortly thereafter God created his wife, Eve.  Sin entered the world as Eve was deceived by the serpent-shaped devil.  It wasn’t long after sin entered the world that the first murder occurred as Cain killed his brother Abel.  The next chapters of Genesis give account of how evil earth became and the preparation for a devastating flood.  Noah and his family were the only people who were saved through the flood designed to cleanse the world from evil. ( Genesis 7 ) Noah’s three sons repopulated the world and...

Under the Cloud - A Study in the Book of Numbers Why Numbers? I have always had an appreciation for the book of Numbers for some reason.   I have found that not too many other people share my enthusiasm.   I know the Old Testament is not really appreciated by many but Jesus Himself said every book of the Bible testifies of Him ( John 5:39 ).  Paul told Timothy that " All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful..." ( 2 Tim 3:16 , emphasis mine).   Hopefully through this study you will develop a new appreciation for this interesting book and see the many ways this fascinating portion of the Pentateuch (first 5 books of the Bible, written by Moses) can help us learn many life lessons. My prayer is that God will work through me as the writer and in you as the reader to show you His glory.  He has done so much for all of us and we can learn more about Him and how to worship Him through reading and understanding the Word of God. Background Information Numbers...