As we move on to Numbers 3, we are focusing on the Levites who are dedicated to service in the tabernacle. In the last chapter, we looked at the setup of the camp. In Exodus 33:7-11 , we see that the tent of meeting was outside the camp. Moses would go outside the camp to meet with God. Now the presence of God is central to the camp. This reflects the progressive revelation of God among his people and the progressive preparation of a people to be fit to live in his presence. God also gives us progressive revelation today. As we grow closer to God, we see more of Him. “[O]n a day yet to come, there will be the full realization of the presence of the person of God dwelling in the midst of his people in the New Jerusalem ( Rev 21:1-4 ).” (Expositor’s Commentary p. 716) Reflection: When have you seen this to be true in your life? When have you grown closer to God then seen more of Him? Balaam says in Num 24:5 , “How beautiful are your t...
Traveling in the desert with God’s people. A study in the Book of Numbers.